Monday, November 23, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell and the Labour Council of shame want to deprive kids of hot food to pay for choo choo ride

Dear All

‘Time flies by when I am the driver of a train and I stand on the footplate there and back again’.

One of the songs of the happy days of childhood, except if you live in the Labour fiefdom ruled by Steven 'bin laden' Purcell

Just as Margaret Thatcher stole the milk off kids, a new fiend enters the scene to pick up her mantel and run with it.

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell wants their hot lunches as well.

Why does Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell want to do this?

He wants the big white elephant that is GARL built even although it is not viable, will cost people money and jobs and will damage the environment.

Purcell and his Labour Council of shame have no problem in targeting the poorest children in society from the most deprived areas of Glasgow.

So what is the children’s crime, they come from families whose parents haven’t been fortunate enough to escape the poverty trap in Labour gerrymandered ghettos that ring the city of Glasgow.

While the affluent kids eat in the school canteen, the apartheid of rich and poor will be clearly drawn at the dinner bell.

SNP Opposition Leader James Dornan said;

"As Leader of Glasgow City Council Councillor Purcell has a responsibility to ensure that those children living in Glasgow are educated, safe and healthy. If you give pupils free school meals they are likely to be more aware in class, thus improving their educational chances, make them more likely to stay within the school boundaries during lunchtimes, ensuring their safety and of course you will have some say in their dietary intake, improving their health”.

This really shows the difference between the Scottish National Party and the Labour Party. Labour is the party of the rich businessman and the Scottish National Party is the party of the people.

It seems that Labour and Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell want to ensure that children are failing, denied life chances and improved health.

How much longer must the City of Glasgow have to put up with the Labour Council of shame?

If Purcell was gets his way and deprived kids were denied a hot healthy lunch would this mean the end of School Dinner Service in Glasgow?

How many people would have to suffer and lose their jobs for Purcell to get his white elephant?

It is time the ordinary people of Glasgow took a close look of what is happening around them.

It’s time the people of Glasgow stood up for their kids!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Looks like Purcell hasn't been deprived of a hot meal for a while.

  2. Dear Conan

    I understand that Purcell is a good customer of the Station Bar in sunny Yoker.

    It's probably the odd hot pie that keeps him going.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Aye he's waiting for the feast of paddy's market.......MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
