Saturday, November 21, 2009

Chuck the schmuck wants terminally ill man returned to prison

Dear All

Al Megrahi has prostate cancer; he is going to die painfully at some point.

In view of medical evidence on Megrahi’s condition, he applied for release on compassionate grounds to go home to his family.

The release was done under the regulations that govern prisoners.

Now a US senator has written to Prime Minister Gordon Brown calling for Al Megrahi to be returned to prison.

What this shows is contempt for the Scottish Government in Holyrood.

Megrahi was convicted under Scottish law not English.

If he should be writing letters to anyone, it should be to the Scottish Justice Minister, Kenny MacAskill.

Mr Schumer is questioned the severity of Megrahi's prostate cancer given that the three months have now elapsed.

Maybe Schumer put a complaint into God as well.

The question is what is Schumer’s hurry?

Does he have colleagues who want to do business in Libya?

As a noticeable sign of how dense Schumer is when he said;

"The bottom line is Megrahi should have never been released in the first place but it would be even more outrageous if he were to be able to live a long and free life after his release”.

Megrahi has terminal prostate cancer; he isn’t going to experience a long and free life.

Nat Hentoff, former of the Village Voice has criticised Schumer for his stance on the issue of torture.

He looks to me like the self serving opportunist he is painted as in the United States.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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