Saturday, November 21, 2009

Is that a massive hole in my roof, I must be living in Steven 'bin laden' Purcell's Labour fiefdom of Glasgow

Dear All

Housing always attracts a lot of interest in people as people try to leapfrog up the housing ladder, those who can afford to do so.

There is another side to the housing bubble and that is the number of vacant properties in Scotland has soared to a four-year high of 103,000.

The highest number of vacant properties is out in the sticks in places such as the western Isles and Argyll and Bute.

It is no mystery that high vacancy levels go hand in hand with high deprivation.

In parts of Glasgow, some people effectively live in slums.

As a tenant, I have stayed in various properties, Council and GHA, the first one was pulled down so that the rich middle class didn’t have to overlook tenements, the second property which was a 3 apt had water coming through the living room, hall, toilet, spare bedroom and bathroom.

Despite repeatedly complaining to the Labour Council, they allowed me to live in what was a squat for years because they wouldn’t repair it.

It rains in Glasgow because the UK sits at the junction of five major air masses, not much comfort to know why it comes through my roof.

The third turn at the cease saw me given a property that took the GHA, 28 months to fix the roof.

Not days, not weeks but months.

As someone brought up in the Labour gerrymandered Pollok ghetto, I only know bad housing and the reasons why people don’t want to stay in them.

When Labour Controlled Glasgow City Council created the GHA, it was a mistake that denied the people effectively representation.

Here is a titbit when a tenant goes in person to make a complaint to GHA housing officers, they don’t record the visit or details of the complaint on file.

The political architect of the GHA was Wendy Alexander who pushed this white elephant through parliament at the same time living a life of luxury in the trendy west end of Glasgow.

In the Labour Fiefdom of Glasgow, the rich Labour so called elite live in luxury houses and flats.

The ordinary Glaswegian gets mostly their high crime ridden ghetto property.

Given the high number of unoccupied properties, the Government should act to pass more housing legislation so that these properties can come back into some kind of use.

Perhaps a scheme that benefits the country and the property owners could solve many a problem both in the sticks and urban areas.

It isn’t much fun living in a Labour slum you know.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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