Thursday, November 19, 2009

Labour MP Harriet Harman to be prosecuted for car accident

Dear All

Labour deputy leader Harriet Harman is to be prosecuted for a car accident in her south London constituency.

She is to be prosecuted for allegedly driving without due care and attention and driving while using a mobile phone.

The Crown Prosecution Service said there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute.

As always with Labour MPs, she is denying the charges, no surprise there then.

The crash happened in Dulwich, South London, on 3 July 2009.

Harman has a history of driving offences in 2003; Harman was fined £400 and banned from driving for seven days after being convicted of driving at 99 mph (159 km/h) on a motorway.

April 2007, Harman was issued with a £60 fixed penalty notice and given three penalty points on her licence for driving at 50 mph (80 km/h) on a road that had a temporary 40 mph (64 km/h) limit.

After the crash in July, it is alleged that she said;

"I'm Harriet Harman; you know where you can get hold of me."

It is not for the victim of Harman’s incompetence to chase after her to supply details; she is legally obliged to do so herself.

Ignorance of the law we are told by the Labour Party is no excuse.

The current trend when a Labour politician is accused and guilty of a crime is that they get off.

Yours sincerely

George LairdThe Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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