Friday, November 20, 2009

Labour crony never elected to public office in her life, no experience, but appointed EU Foreign Minister.

Dear All

Is the European Union turning into a dictatorship?

When unelected people are chosen behind closed doors, something is going seriously wrong with the European experience.

Baroness Ashton has been appointed to post of EU high representative for Foreign Affairs and security.

She has never been elected to public office in her entire life.

She is part of the British elite that go from one unelected job to another.

It is also worth noting that she has no experience in foreign relations and was only appointed as an EU Commissioner in late 2008.

Lady Ashton told the BBC that she will show she is "the best person for the job".

I think not, no work history, no training and no experience in the area she is appointed to.

How does that make her the best person?

Her experience appears to being on the quango circuit before being appointed a government minister for eight years, latterly as leader of the House of Lords.

Critics have rightly attacked her appointment as a "stitch-up" done behind closed doors.

In a show of contempt for democracy she dismissed claims that she had never been elected by saying that elected heads of European countries had appointed her. She said of the EU;

"Their 27 elected heads of state have had a say and they all decided on me."

That isn’t democracy in anyway shape or form.

As well as her contempt for the democratic process she rejected criticism the way her and the EU President appointments had been decided in secret saying;

"We should never take away those opportunities for heads of state to talk frankly to one another".

Is this in line with my theme of corrupt Britain?

I would say it is.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. Dear George, Their just padding out the nest for opposition. Watch for the New Years honours "Goldrush" and exponential quangoships increase.


