Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jackie Baillie and Labour's tactic to smear Nicola Sturgeon is gutter politics

Dear All

Jackie Baillie is the Labour’s Shadow Health secretary who took over from the dimwit, Cathy Jamieson.

Just so we are clear from the start of this post, the Labour Party in Scotland use a tactic where they pick a vulnerable member of the public who has suffered loss or distress and use them for their own political ends.

Labour did it in Glenrothes with the woman in the wheelchair on care charges and recently they also did it on knife crime in Glasgow North East.

At the present moment Labour is trying to attack Nicola Sturgeon because she has been a successful Health Secretary.

To that end, Baillie and others are using the deaths caused by outbreaks of Clostridium difficile to indulge in political point scoring.

Does anyone sincerely believe that Jackie Baillie cares about people?

I know that I certainly don’t.

Now Baillie has stood up in the Chamber of Holyrood attempting to appear emotional while reading out a letter from the relative of a victim of C diff.

Baillie also went on to claim that Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon’s statement on the Ninewells outbreak was “misleading”.

I wouldn’t lay claim to saying I know Nicola Sturgeon well but I would say she doesn’t write every letter to patients or check such content. She would however make clear that in such circumstances the Health Board keep patients and relatives fully informed about serious infections such as C diff.

I would expect that of her.

Nicola Sturgeon said;

"Since this Government took office, rates of C difficile have come down by more than 40%”.

Ms Sturgeon also got a letter from the family mentioned by Baillie and promptly ordered NHS Tayside to investigate the claims.

She added;

"The relative will be kept fully informed, as is her absolute right. I've also offered to meet with her to discuss the serious concerns that she raises."

Although, the fact that the SNP Government working in partnership with Health Boards and are driving down rates of infection, some people will still continue to catch infections while visiting and being in hospitals. For the family involved there is no comfort that their relative is dead but their grief is not served by Jackie Baillie using them for the purposes of smearing Nicola Sturgeon.

Aside from the health issue, Nicola Sturgeon should address another issue head on with regard to Baillie and what she is doing.

It is time to be a little less understanding about Labour tactics and put these people in their place publicly.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear George,

    Long time no speak fellow traveller. I have been engaged in fishing, sitting back and reeling in.

    Have you noticed the attacks, slanderama that have gone on around the hootsmon, OO and many a blog?

    I thought you should know as some of it was directed at you.

    Keep up the fight for truth and Independence. Some of own cause where asleep on duty......



  2. Dear Juan

    I was attacked on the hootsman?

    They banned me from posting.

    I am also shocked, humble Glaswegian pottering about the place being bad mouthed!

    Must be Labour or Glasgow University trash.

    Nice to know I have upset people.

    Recently, I was attacked by someone who read my blog, he wrote, due to the lack of comments, he said his impression was no one gave a shit about my opinion.

    It's a terribly wicked world out there in bloggerland.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  3. Could I beg you to put a warning notice over photies of Jabba? Her appearance gives me the sort of nightmares I used to get when Big Mags Hainie ( ex of Raploch ) was being vox popped on the radio. Perhaps if illustration were needed a roll over link with a health warning may be more appropriate, and less likely to damage the health of this citizen at least.

  4. Dear Anon

    Sorry, here is a warning, Jackie Baillie is an complete arse!

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for human Rights at Glasgow University

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