Thursday, November 19, 2009

Another day, another bribe to voters to attempt to buy the General Election by the Labour Party

Dear All

You know things are bad when even your own people speak out against you in Westminister.

Labour peer Lord Lipsey has attacked plans for free personal care for pensioners as a "gimmick".

From now until the closing of the polls at 10 pm on the day of the General Election, Labour will attempt to bribe and frighten people into voting for them.

Lord Lipsey is a former member of the Royal Commission on long-term care, his take on Gordon Brown’s proposals are that the policy is being done for party political reasons.

In order to pay for this measure, money will be stripped from others as there is no new money.

However the Labour Party pitching to the gullible public will certainly say this is in the shape of its inept Prime Minister.

Brown can’t do truth very well.

In a scathing attack Lipsey said Brown had performed "one of the most disorderly pieces of government I have ever seen in 40 years of political life".

He added;

"What has gone wrong is that in the middle on the consultation... the prime minister has declared that it is government policy that people with severe care needs in their own home should be paid in full. I think it is a bad policy but also a very bad way to do policy just to find a nice highlight for your Labour Party conference speech."

So there you have it, Brown knows that the over 50 vote is deserting the Labour Party so this is his attempt to shore up that vote.

The bottom line is that £670m is required to finance the plan; this would come from an existing budget as resources are re-prioritised.

In others words someone else is going to lose out further down the line.

Brown then said that should it win the next General Election then Labour's "first domestic priority" will be care for the elderly.

What about jobs and the recession, will those issues be second and third?

Will the Afghanistan war be fourth?

The Labour Party will say anything to try and hold onto power but one thing which everyone accepts other than Labour, is that these people have to be put out of public office.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. I believe they disagreed with you at Glasgow North East

  2. Dear Mxyzptlk

    Not me personally, I wasn't standing for election.

    Bain was forced to promise that he would open a public office.

    I see that as a retreat, not from Moscow (Russia) though.

    Finally, totally unrelated, the Principal of Glasgow University, Vito Anton Muscatelli took part in the cover up of criminal fraud in a publicly funded charity.

    Be a good chap and spread the word.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
