Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Donald Trump wants to rob Michael Forbes of his heritage and land, it is time the SNP Government had a word.

Dear All

Before the SNP became the Government of Scotland, the Labour Party was bending over backwards to help Donald Trump, one of the world’s most powerful businessmen.

Trump wanted to build a golf course complete with housing in Scotland.

The planning application was called in by the SNP Government because of the issues involved.

Now the SNP Government should step in again because of the actions of Trump in wanting to extend what he was originally granted.

Trump wishes to take people’s homes forcibly off them by compulsory purchase to that end he has using bullying tactics to get his own way.

Now Trump has launched a personal attack against Micheal Forbes because his home, a seaside cottage stands between him and his dream of creating the world’s greatest golf course.

Mr. Forbes is the little guy in this dispute, a former salmon fisherman who has refused to sell his property at Balmedie, near Aberdeen to Trump.

The Trump scheme isn’t small potatoes costing about a £1 billion to build.

Such is Trump’s anger that he has called Forbes “the local village idiot”.

Imagine, one of the most powerful businessmen in the world beaten by an idiot and from a village no less, how embarrassing.

Trump’s attack goes on to describe Mr. Forbes in less than glowing terms but he does own his property.

Is Forbes, “a terrible representative for Scotland”?

I would say not, he is defending what is his home.

On top of the humiliation, Forbes’s 85 years old mother has lodged a legal challenge to the resort as the Court of Session seeking an interim interdict and she might get it based on Trump’s behaviour, after all she and her son have the right to Protection from Harassment, just like everyone else.

Trump stated;

“Over the years, my representatives and I have often seen Mr Forbes and he has always been dirty, sloppy and unkempt in his personal appearance and demeanour.”

Is that a viable reason to take his home off him?

Trump added;

“He is a loser who is seriously damaging the image of both Aberdeenshire and his great country. His property is a disgusting blight on the community and an environmental hazard, with leaking oil containers, rusted shacks and abandoned vehicles dumped everywhere. It is a very poor image and representation for the world to see of Scotland”.

I think that it is time that the SNP Government should intervene and set Trump straight on a range of issues.

One of them being that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated by him or his company.

The SNP have a slogan, ‘we have got what it takes’.

Do they have what it takes to defend Mr. Forbes and his family or should we just keel over and let Trump effectively rob Mr. Forbes of his heritage and land over money?

I don’t think such inaction helps our case for independence and our right to govern when we stand back and do nothing to help.

Someone needs to go and see Mr. Forbes and thrash out a deal then go see Trump.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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