Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Tony Blair scoops up millions for himself, the down payment was hundred of thousands of dead in Iraq

Dear All

When Tony Blair came to office, people thought it was a new broom, a different kind of politics from Tory sleaze.

But Tony Blair turned out to be a big rat than any money grubbing Tory in the trough of public expenses ever was.

Tony Blair is a war criminal.

At present; he is packaging himself as a ‘Man of God’ type preaching do without to make you a better human being while parking his arse on millionaires’ yachts and luxury villas.

Tony Blair received intelligence from the Foreign Office that Saddam Hussein's nuclear programme had been dismantled just 10 days before Britain invaded Iraq.

Despite this information, Blair took this country to war and hundreds of thousands of people died; their bodies bloating in the heat of the sun in Iraq.

The Chilcot Inquiry has no powers to bring this war criminal to trial but they might run to a few harsh words, watered down of course.

The second day of the rigged Chilcot farce heard the Foreign Office had no evidence Saddam was trying to supply chemical or biological weapons to terrorists.

What this evidence shows is that Blair had another agenda and that agenda was paid for in British and Iraq lives.

And the millions keep rolling in Blair.

Tony Blair therefore lied to the Commons and the British public that Saddam did have chemical and biological weapons.

For Blair, there is an ace in the hole, the current Labour Government went along with the deception that got countless people killed, tortured and maimed; Blair will escape justice and never be brought to trial.

Blair will continue to rake in millions and live a life of luxury untouched.

Cold comfort for the families of British service personnel killed; they know who is responsible for the death of their relatives but the establishment will ensure Blair is fully protected.

The rigged Chilcot Inquiry is a sick farce on the British people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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