Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell and the Labour Council of shame plunge Glasgow into 'Winter of Discontent' as rubbish and filth pile up in Glasgow

Dear All

Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame can’t get the laden bins empty in Glasgow.

The situation at present under the inept and incompetent management is that there is a backlog of rubbish piling up in Glasgow.

To add insult to injury in a double whammy, Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell will find money to pay big business but has no problem taking hot food from the mouth of deprived Glasgow kids.

More evidence of how Purcell and the Labour Council of shame are star struck by big business?

When it comes to housing the old saying is location, location, location in Glasgow, there is a new twist.

If you want to stay in a clean street in Glasgow, find out where your local Councillor lives; otherwise be prepared to walk in filth up to your ankles.

Now, the Labour Council of shame is at the stage of issuing the veiled threat of private contractors rather than addressing their ineffective management.

In a statement by Robert Booth, director of land and environmental services, he has asked that employees break the road traffic laws of Scotland.

Booth said;

"They are refusing to double park collection vehicles”.

The binmen are employed to work, how can someone who has reached such a position think he can tell people to break the law?

Another flippant remark by Booth centres on the fact that if bin lids are not closed the binmen are refusing to lift them.

Has Booth ever heard of the manually handling regulations or does he even care?

In parts of Glasgow, the ‘Winter of Discontent’ has already started with some streets in the south-east, having no rubbish collected for three weeks.

Ordinary people who paid up for Glasgow living in filthy conditions because the Labour Council of shame knows only the heel on the neck of the workers!

Booth also to try and justify his position stated;

"Also, if they press the service button to access the rear court of a tenement and get no reply, they will walk away rather than press residents' buzzers. They are being awkward."

So, it the binmen’s fault not the Labour Council’s ineptness to contact the residents via GHA to ensure that buzzers are reset to accommodate the problem?

Yes, simple solutions can solve problems, but then there aren’t any blue sky thinkers in the ‘bin laden’ empire.

Perhaps Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell and the Labour Council of shame should put Robert Booth out with those he seeks to manage so that he can understand their problems better.

Or perhaps the Labour Council of shame should bin Robert Booth, director of land and environmental services and get in a better management.

Doesn't have the brains to get buzzers reset, some people are just too stupid to learn.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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