Tuesday, November 17, 2009

America allows David Miliband to speak on Afghanistan, after he learns to repeat their strategy

Dear All

Remember that clown Miliband?

Not Ed, the other dummy called David.

America has spoken, now Britain can repeat what their opinion.

David Miliband said;

“Afghanistan is not a war without end but Nato cannot leave a vacuum for the Taliban to fill”.

Actually, he is wrong, the Afghan people will not submit to the continual foreign occupation of their country.

We cannot win in Afghanistan because of the nature and culture of the people, the western model cannot interface with the Afghan one.

Not rocket science, just history.

Miliband also said that the UK was "ready, in the right conditions" to send more troops "on the basis of an agreed strategy".

Those conditions have already been met by the military because they don’t have enough men or resources on the ground.

To suggest that a UK political objective must be met is an indication of how deep rooted stupidity is in this current Labour Government.

Miliband added that military and civilian resources had to be aligned behind a "clear political strategy".

And people call Miliband dense, it takes real talent to state the bloody obvious that everyone else has been saying for years and years.

Key elements of this new strategy are to reassure ordinary Afghans and encourage them to resist the Taliban.

So an unarmed Afghan will be able to take on a Taliban fighter armed to the teeth with an AK47 and grenades?

The other idea to stop jihad is to seek to persuade members of the current insurgency to pursue their goals "peacefully within the constitutional framework".

Jihad has to be stop by the Islamic clerics, so the constitutional framework idea is right out the window.

Although there are other Nato countries in Afghanistan, they have one thing in common, they don’t want to get involved in the US/UK war. Rightly they have taken a backseat as their leaders don’t want body bags coming back home. It upsets civilians at their tea!

Call me silly but surely in order to have peace, the west has to arrange talks with the Taliban?
Anyone seen any news of that happening or appearing in the papers or television?

This talk of the Taliban engaging peacefully within the constitutional framework is bogus as Miliband says he wants to;

"squeeze the life out of the terrorist threat from both sides of the Afghanistan-Pakistan border".

If you are in the Taliban and read that, doesn’t it strike you that the main item on the US/UK agenda is your death?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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