Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Michael Hynes gets 11 years for repeatedly raping of a child

Dear All

Another solicitor gets jailed, this time for rape of a child.

Michael Hynes is a 46 year-old solicitor found guilty of sexual activity and raping a girl from the age of 11 until she was 14.

Judge Paul Downes commenting said that Hynes had a "sparkling educational career".

Although managing to possess warped values.

As well being a paedophile, Hynes was a Class A drug user, for Hynes life was one big party but now the Police have kicked in the door and he has to face the music.

11 years to be exact.

Knowledge of the crime only came to light when the young girl was admitted to the Priory clinic suffering from depression.

Giving evidence over a video link, the teenager said she had never consented to the abuse.

Hynes was found guilty of three counts of rape, seven counts of sexual activity with a child and one charge of sexual assault on the youngster and also found him guilty of assault occasioning actual bodily harm on a 43-year-old woman.

Throughout the trial Hynes maintained his innocence claiming the girl had "made up" the accusations.

The jury however never believed that explanation.

Judge Paul Downes told him;

"Nothing other than a significant period of custody will be imposed."

Another guy who had it all at his feet and blew it!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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