Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Labour Party try to save 'Royalty vote' at General Election as Candidate dubs Queen "vermin" and "parasite"!

Dear All

The Labour Party!

A Labour election candidate Peter White is facing disciplinary action after describing the Queen as a "parasite" and "vermin".

Mr. White is seeking election to Havering Borough Council in east London so now this is in the public domain expect a heartfelt apology coming soon plus a titbit about him been having a difficult time somewhere in the works. Although he has already apologised expect more because Labour has decided to investigate.

Mr. White was careless to write the comments on Tory MP Andrew Rosindell's Facebook page which probably explains why they are in the public domain now.

Mr White said of the Queen that "milks this country for everything she can".

Exactly where is she the standing Labour MP for?

To be honest, I wouldn’t say that I am a fan of the Royal Family but they do on occasion do some good for the country.

Now in order to save face a London Labour Party spokesman said that White will be "required to explain his comments".

The Labour Party mindful of the General election said White’s meeting will be with key members of the local party and officers from the London Regional Labour Party.

So, plenty whitewash to come!

In a true mealy mouth, used like a bitch reply White said;

"The way I expressed myself was totally inappropriate. I regret what I said and apologise unreservedly."

But less we forget, he meant every word of it.

Back under the rock for White methinks.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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