Thursday, October 29, 2009

SNP Group walk out at Glasgow City Council as Labour Party refuse to discuss serious crime problems

Dear All

Organised crime is a real and serious issue in the City of Glasgow.

However, there has been remarkable little will by the City Council in dealing with a problem that has blighted the lives of so many of the citizens who live in fear.

The drugs problem in Glasgow has been well documented and the Police know who all the major players are and how they laundered their illegal money.

The SNP Group in Glasgow City Council have staged a walk out in protest at the Lord Provost's refusal to discuss a competent motion on tackling organised crime. It is very much in the interest of the council to act as one voice cutting across party lines.

However the Labour controlled Council is dragging its feet.

The refusal of the Lord Provost to even discuss the issue in public has lead to the SNP Group staging a walkout about the apparent lack of democracy. For too long Labour has run Glasgow as a fiefdom, this city belongs to the people, not the Labour Party.

In Springburn the Labour Candidate William Bain has made crime a campaign issue but Bain’s campaign goes after ‘little fish’, the Moby Tiddlers!

Sorry but the real problem is the sharks.

SNP Leader James Dornan said;

"Today is another black day in the history of democracy in Glasgow. For another motion on serious crime, tabled by Councillor Billy McAllister, to be rejected as not competent or relevant is simply incredible, particularly for those most affected by these criminals. This lack of concern by the Labour Party does them no good whatsoever and makes a mockery of their claims to be fighting crime. When they won’t even talk about it who will take seriously their claims to fight it? Today’s agenda is not worth the paper it is printed on. Labour in Glasgow are running away from serious crime in the city and destroying democracy in the process".

Although Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell is a lion when tackling defenceless employees he is a cowardly 'Lyon' when it's organised crime.

Is it wounded ‘pride’?

SNP Councillor Billy McAllister added;

"I have consistently tried to raise the issue of serious crime in the Council and have been thwarted at every turn. These criminals are making a fortune on the backs of ordinary decent citizens and the Labour Party should be fighting alongside us to put an end to their activities not putting barriers in our way. I will continue to fight criminality both in my role as local councillor and as a member of my community. Labour has turned a blind eye to serious criminals for far too long, but they will not get away with trying to silence those that wish to fight these evil criminals."

Councillor McAllister was the driving force along with residents to end the Lyons crime family’s involvement in the Chirnsyde Community Centre.

The Labour Council finally decided to act after the body count starting to rise in the streets after the tripe shooting and murder was committed at Applerow Motors, 730 Balmore Road, Glasgow.

Even after the Chief Constable of Strathclyde Police wrote to the Licensing Committee to say that the owner of the MOT station was involved in serious crime including the trafficking and supply of Class A drugs, it still couldn’t prompt the Labour Council to act.

So what is the problem?

Deaf, blind and stupid!

I would say that after 74 years of Labour neglect in Glasgow North East, there is not the political will by the Labour Party to act.

But the SNP will act to ensure that the people get justice and a future.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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