Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Labour leader Iain Gray reshuffles shadow cabinet, presumably a pack of cards wasn't available.

Dear All

Dramatic news, Iain Gray, Mr. Invisible has reshuffled the Labour Shadow Cabinet.

What does that mean?

Sod all, just a bunch of deadbeats with worthless paper titles, doesn’t even look good on a CV.

So, let us see who gets what.

1/ Deputy Leader (Chief of Staff; Equalities and Older People): Johann Lamont

Given the area, she represents where the people who live there get about £5k lower than the national average in wages, hardly a ringing endorsement for such a post.

2/ Finance and the Economy: Andy KerrAfter totally mismanaging the health service during his stint as a Minister, Kerr wants to wreck the economy.

3/ Housing and Regeneration: Cathy Jamieson

Oh My God, sacked from the Health brief, I guess she won’t be available for the fake William Bain Stobhill Campaign anymore. From Law to Health to Housing, next stop emptying the bins or tending potted plants.

4/ Health and Wellbeing: Jackie BaillieNow that is really taking the piss!

5/ Without Portfolio: Elections and campaigns: John Park

Yapping Yousuf describes him as the Scottish Peter Mandelson, no luck that boy!

6/ Education: Des McNulty

He could certainly do with some, served on the Court at the Corrupt University of Glasgow.

7/ Local Government: Michael McMahonA Labour party hack since 1996; not one of the great thinkers of our time, or any time for that matter!

8/ Justice: Richard BakerWhat can you say about Richard Baker; well crap springs to mind, doesn’t know what he is doing or talking about on Justice.

9/ Environment & Rural Affairs: Sarah Boyack

She has a history on environment and rural affairs, just treading water in Holyrood.

10/ Business Manager: Paul Martin, son of disgraced ex MP Michael Martin, a bam.

11/ Culture and Constitution: Pauline McNeill

Pauline McNeil cultured?

12/ Chief Whip: David Stewart

Never heard of him!

This is very much a team of ‘all the no talents’ that Iain Gray has put together, he is really scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

I wonder if he picked them because he likes to get his weekends off as opposition leader.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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