Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tory Cameron spews out hate in anti scottish rant

Dear All

This caught my eye, David Cameron has claimed Scottish National Party leader Alex Salmond will be “an irrelevance” in the upcoming general election.

What Tory Cameron is saying is that Scotland will be an irrelevance as he expects to achieve a landslide victory to control Westminister based on winning English seats.

In Scotland, the Tories are effectively a dead party, they have one MP.

However you would think that Cameron would have had the sense to keep that type of distain for Scotland under wraps as Ruth Davidson is standing for election in Glasgow North East.

I would say his comments are an admission of the fact that the Tories don’t expect to win or even do well.

Recently Cameron was speaking about how he would operate a policy of “mutual respect” with the Scottish Government.

Is this what he means?

If the Tories win, will it be a return to the dark days of Thatcher and the English boot on the Scottish neck?

I would say yes!

Cameron’s arrogance extends to telling voters that the only options for their votes are between the corrupt Labour Party and the corrupt Tory Party.

There is a third way, by voting SNP, the people of Scotland will be showing Cameron that Scotland has moved on from the ping pong politics that have so damaged it.

There is a real possibility of a hung parliament which would allow the SNP to possibly hold the balance of power.

The SNP have cast their eye on 20 possible seats that could return an SNP MP at Westminister; then the pressure would really be on Labour and the Tories to make the best possible offer in a bidding war.

I suspect the SNP will be asking for a high price, a very high price.

For Ruth Davidson who is already struggling to make an impact, Cameron has effectively sunk her attempts to appear credible.

Where does she go from here?

Back to the BBC I suspect.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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