Thursday, October 29, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain talks housing but can't hang a sign properly, it's Labour, its squint

Dear All

Another day and Labour Candidate William Bain tries to put the frighteners on people of Glasgow North East.

Since it is getting close to Halloween, expect him to dress up as the Ghost of 74 years of Labour Party neglect.

So, the latest scare story is housing.


William Bain doesn’t own or rent property but that is no reason not to speak out.

After all, I am sure his mum has some horror stories about Labour Glasgow City Council.

William Bain said;

"My city needs more affordable housing projects not only to regenerate communities but to boost the struggling construction industry”.

Another dig at London Labour for slashing the Scottish Budget, such disloyalty, he is swinging after the bell and punching people in his own corner now!

If he keeps this up, he will knock out the ref.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Does this poor man not realise when the english cut our budget , it's hteir doing not the scottish government.... this little chappie should get a proper life! Does mummy still dress him to go to school in the morning?

  2. Dear Anon

    Three days a week I am sure he dresses himself.

    But I confess he may sleep in his clothes, it's an option.

    Best to look closely at the his pictures in case he slept in his suit.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
