Friday, October 2, 2009

Labour MP, Barbara Follett falls on her rubber sword

Dear All

The band, Queen wrote a song called ‘another one bites the dust’.

Well, in true New Labour style another turkey has fallen on her rubber sword.

East of England Minister Barbara Follett is to stand down at the General Election for family reasons.

As if anyone cared!

Chances are she would have gotten slotted anyway when the General Election was in full toot.

Ms Follett is the MP for Stevenage in Herts and is parliamentary under-secretary of state for communities and local government.

Her main claim to fame is of course everyone’s favourite family show, ‘the expenses show’, the hit car crash T.V. reality show where previous bit players trying to explain away their living the life of luxury.

My personal fav is Labour MP Gerald Kaufman and his claim for a £9,000 television.

I wonder did it come with car attached!

In a teary sentiment she sniffed;

"I had hoped to stand one more time for the constituency I love."

It would have been nice to see if the voters felt likewise.

Ms. Follett hit the media headlines when it was revealed she claimed more than £25,000 expenses for security measures and £500 to repair a rug.

As a junior minister who had no real public profile, one wonders what exactly she needed security for.

Her statement reads;

"I will be 67 this Christmas and my husband and children made it clear, after 12 years, they had had enough of me being absent from family occasions or turning up late."

Seems a bit lame to me; after all most MPs when they can’t think of a good excuse use the tried and tested family reasons and exit stage left to trip the light fantastic.

She also added;

"I admire and respect the Prime Minister”.

Must be terribly lonely on that grassy knoll I should think.

She uttered presumably with a straight face;

“He is a good and brave man”.

Is this the same guy who backstabbed his way to the top?

What act of bravery has Brown ever done?

“and I intend to work as hard as I possibly can for him in the weeks and months that remain before the next general election”.

Well gets some people out in the fresh air I suppose.

Her most famous quote surely however must be during the expenses scandal regarding her Chinese rug;

"I claimed it, it's within the rules and I have no comment to make."

Won’t be missed!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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