Sunday, October 4, 2009

Unionist Parties seek to deny SNP Leader, Alex Salmond equal treatment in TV debates.

Dear All

Yet again we see the Unionist Parties of Great Britain wanting to shut out the SNP from taking their rightful place on the world stage.

The SNP are the Government of Scotland.

The Leader’s debates currently proposed exclude Alex Salmond, the leader of the Scottish National Party completely.

That is complete nonsense and very undemocratic in the run up to a Westminister General Election.

This has prompted the SNP to consider legal action if Alex Salmond is not allowed to take part in a UK party leader TV debate ahead of the next General Election.

SNP Finance Secretary John Swinney said going to court was not being ruled out, but wants to come to a sensible agreement with the broadcasters.

In response to the SNP asking for equal treatment, the opposition parties have accused the SNP of ‘bullying tactics’.

To ask for your rights is now bullying if you are Scottish?

If Alex Salmond is not given the same level of consideration as any other party leader then the SNP is quite right to seek to block the screening in Scotland.

The Tories, who are hardly democratic, in the shape of their only MP in Scotland said it was not appropriate for Mr Salmond to take part in a debate about who should be the Prime Minister of Britain.

These debates are not about deciding among the three Unionist parties who will be Prime Minister that will be decided by the voters.

The sycophantic Labour Party has wrongly described the SNP standing up for their rights as a "sinister threat".

These are the death woes of a party which is being rejected by the press, the public and even their own members, some of whom are MPs.

If Alex Salmond is not allowed to take his rightful on the platform for these debates then they should not be broadcast in Scotland and if that means a court injunction, then so be it.

The Scottish people have the right to hear the First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond speak.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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