Thursday, October 1, 2009

Corrupt ex Vice Principal returns as Principal of University of Glasgow

Dear All

The University of Glasgow has published a sycophantic piece of crap on the arrival back to the campus of disgraced former Vice-Principal Vito Antonio (Anton) Muscatelli.

Muscatelli, an italian will fit right in as the University of Glasgow like the Italian Mafia operate on the Omerta principle, a common definition is the "code of silence".

When senior staff bully students, they close ranks to help the abuser on the staff.

That is how a bully, liar and thief, Julie Ommer, Director of the SRS, University of Glasgow is allowed to operate freely.

A link to how University of Glasgow bullying operates can be found here.

Muscatelli becomes the 50th Principal in the University's history, the 49th being the corrupt ex head of the Scottish Civil Service, Sir Muir Russell.

Russell did his five years to help top up his pension, leaving behind a legacy of 250 people made redundant, a history of not stopping bullying, a pro paedophile PhD written by Richard Yuill and a senior lecturer in the Arts Faculty who thinks it is okay to touch up a little girl while asleep.

The University of Glasgow describes this as “a successful tenure by Sir Muir Russell”.

Personally; I think this is too much of a stretch even for fiction writers.

Muscatelli says;"I am excited and honoured to succeed Muir Russell as Principal”.

I would think this “excitement” is more to do with the pay packet than anything else.

Muir Russell said;

“Professor Anton Muscatelli brings great academic authority plus the experience of heading a strong, research-led University at Heriot Watt which, during his Principalship, developed new, imaginative and convincing strategies. His successful leadership of Universities Scotland reflects the high regard in which he is held by his colleagues in the Higher Education Community.”

That sounds really good, what a pity he lacks integrity.

What also should be remembered; is that Muscatelli like Russell is a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and that this society’s members have a stranglehold on practically most of the top jobs in higher education.

So let us not kid ourselves, since 1972 every Principal of the University of Glasgow has been a member of this private invitation only club.

Joy Travers, Chancellor’s Assessor said;

“Professor Anton Muscatelli is a distinguished economist who brings exceptional strategic leadership and understanding of the issues facing universities at this time. With Professor Muscatelli at its head, this world-class University will continue to grow from strength to strength.”

Maybe someone should take this old dear round and explain all the dirt to her in graphic detail.

Finally, Muscatelli was sent a copy of the Muir Russell letter and complete set of documents on insititutional bullying, harassment, discrimination, malpractice and criminal fraud and did nothing. It was highlighted, cross referenced and indexed that even a cretin with exceptionally limited intelligence could follow.

And of course extensive detailed emails charting the activities of those senior staff involved in human rights abuse were sent to him continuously.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Dear Muscatelli

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.
    IP Address [Label IP Address]
    Country United Kingdom
    Region Glasgow City
    City Glasgow
    ISP University Of Glasgow

    I want the money back stolen from me, all of it.

    I want my name publicly cleared.

    I want those involved in bullying me dealt with, you have the opportunity to do your job which you should have done previously.

    The village idiot called Newall has details regarding the money.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

  2. Dear University employee

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my little website.

    2 hours 30 mins 5 secs.

    If you are bored then may I suggest Aces High by hightech creations, that what you can play flight games all afternoon.

    I hope you like my university pictures which I took myself with a digital camera.

    Feel free to use them if you wish.
    IP Address [Label IP Address]
    Country United Kingdom
    Region Glasgow City
    City Glasgow
    ISP University Of Glasgow
    Returning Visits 0
    Visit Length 2 hours 30 mins 5 secs

    Must be nice to swan about with nothing to do.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
