Sunday, October 18, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain can't attract voters even with a free seat in a Glasgow street

Dear All

Having read some of Labour Candidate William Bain’s claims, which some are out and out falsehoods; I am starting to wonder if he is just a ‘crackpot’.

The Labour Party claims;

“Willie Bain is the only local man”.

If Bain took the time to read the literature of the BNP Candidate, Charles Baillie, then he would find out that he is also making the same claims.

I wonder how many of the BNP Candidate’s views does William Bain agrees with?

William Bain who is fronting an English run Labour campaign is rapidly losing respect day by day.

His continual pettiness has been a hallmark of this by-election regarding David Kerr the SNP Candidate.

David Kerr spoke at the SNP Conference in Inverness as a member, as he lives in the Southside of Glasgow; he named the branch he was a member of.

William Bain said;

"I live in the Glasgow North East constituency – and will do so whatever the result on polling day”.

What he means is that he lives in the Glasgow North East constituency when he is not living in London during the working week.

And what he also means is that he lives with his mother when he returns to Glasgow.

Out of circa 17 areas that make up the constituency, William Bain is only local to one area out of 17.

Bain issues a challenge to David Kerr;

"Why doesn’t Mr Kerr come and live where I do?”

What in London?

Or does he mean that David Kerr should move into Bain’s mother’s house?

Bain added;

"I have never stood for election in any other part of Scotland”.

Only because he is unelectable and won’t pass selection and his mother wouldn’t let him!

Bain finishes with;

"If he is so committed to this part of Glasgow, he should come and live here now, not just in the event he is elected."

Why hasn't Labour Candidate Willaim Bain ever had a property in the area?

SNP Candidate David Kerr has a property on the Southside of Glasgow which he stays at, unlike William Bain; he isn’t freeloading off his mother.

I challenge William Bain to get his own house in the community.

A source has stated that Rosemary and Lilley who live next door to Bain’s mother have said that they haven’t seen Bain in years.

If the next door neighbours haven’t seen Bain, then one wonders if the rest of the community would have any chance.

Nobody knows William Bain in Springburn, no one at all!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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