Monday, October 19, 2009

Labour Candidate William Bain's launch is a damp squid as he is forced to stand outside a relative's home to launch his campaign

Dear All

It’s a bad news day for Labour Candidate, William Bain.

Willie Bain launched his campaign for Glasgow North East by-election on the doorstep of one of his relatives on the Carron Estate, Springburn.

William Bain doesn’t own or even rent a property in the Glasgow North East area.

Local residents and Labour activists looked on miserably as William Bain launched his non existent action plan for Glasgow North East.

The 'plan' focuses on issues that Bain can have no positive effect on, but let us go through each point again to remind ourselves how he is trying to con the voters.

1/ Stopping Glasgow getting ripped off

Does this mean that he will be tackling the Labour control of Glasgow City Council?


2/ Crack down on crime

Crime is a devolved issue to the Scottish Parliament and therefore Bain cannot affect Scottish Government policy that is already tough on criminals.

3/ Help Glasgow pensioners & families through tough times

This is another bogus issue as Bain if elected will only have one vote in Westminister.

4/ Better shops, better buses, and better homes.

Why is William Bain criticising local small business?
What are the names of the small business who run bad shops?

Is he going to provide the taxpayer’s money to fund private shops?
Surely that is illegal?

He wants better buses, where will he get the money for new buses? Again this is a non campaign.

Better homes, finally an admission of failure of Labour policy but let us not forget he can do nothing on this issue as well.

The “action plan” is a sick joke, making promises he cannot keep.

As to the location of his launch, William Bain said;

"Welcome to my home here in Springburn. I've lived here on the Carron estate all my life, and I don't want to represent anywhere but Glasgow North East. Unlike some, I'm not career-politician. I will be a local voice for local people”.

Firstly, this isn’t his home, its his parents, second, he hasn’t lived in the estate all his life, by his own admission he works during the working week in London.

He added;
"Today I launch my campaign and my action plan for Glasgow North East, a fresh start and a fair deal for local people: better shops, buses, homes; a better deal for pensioners and families; and a crackdown on crime”.

All his issues are bogus and all promises fraudulent!

Of his unworkable knife crime idea, he stated;

"If you carry a knife you should go to jail”.

This means that innocent people will go to prison for four years under his badly thought-out idea but luckily his ‘crackpot’ idea will not come into force in Scotland.

His lie;

"The SNP are ripping off Glasgow North East, and they're not even ashamed of it”.

As previously stated by the SNP, Glasgow receives more public money than anywhere else.

His entire English designed and English run campaign is based on lies, fear and falsehoods.

Bain in an attempt to drum up some kind of support said; "We can make Glasgow North East a better place to live, a better place to work, and a better place to bring up kids”.

Is that why he kept his mouth firmly shut on Michael Martin’s refusal to open a public office for the people of Glasgow North East?

Finally, if take the time to look at his launch photo, you will see the crowd is full of people looking pure miserable. But then, when you have a deadbeat standing for public office, it is hard to be enthusiastic.

Not one person smiling!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. It is his home;

    I think you owe the man an apology.

  2. Dear Anon

    "It is his home".

    Just so we are talking about the same thing regarding "home".

    Does the Labour Candidate William Bain own or is the renter of 12 1c Eccles Street, Glasgow?

    Is his name personally on the deeds or rental agreement?

    If not, he may call it his "home" but in FACT, it is his parent’s property!

    You will forgive me but I like to work off factual evidence rather than your second hand tat from Ms. Dugdale blog.

    Will Mr. Bain, Labour Candidate meet me and provide third party irrefutable proof on this matter for the public domain?

    When the issue is properly and fully investigated, then if appropriate, an apology would be issued for any matter which is not factually correct.

    The ball is now in Mr. Bain's court for disposal.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
