Sunday, October 18, 2009

Orange Order wants to deny their members a future by voting Labour

Dear All

If you let people talk long enough, they may sink themselves.

Ian Wilson is the head of the Orange Order in Scotland; the Orange Order is part of a discredited legacy that should no longer exist in a modern Scotland.

With Britain in the middle of a deep recession coupled with other serious problems; his take on life is that the “biggest problem” facing the country is the SNP.

Out of touch really doesn’t do justice to his attitudes, he should look closely at the SNP Government’s record of achievement and stack it up against the Labour Party’s deep history of failure and incompetence.

For example, the SNP abolished hospital car parking charges, the Labour MSP, Paul Martin tried to introduce a private members bill to abolish the charges in PFI hospitals.

The SNP Bill worked and the Labour Bill failed, it failed to attract enough support even from its own members.

Grand master Ian Wilson has said that members of the Orange Order may be instructed to vote Labour in some constituencies at the general election.

This move isn’t about helping the people, making Scotland more prosperous or anything that improves civic society, it is about supporting a status quo that currently doesn’t work in the interests of the Scottish people.

The Protestant organisation is a staunch backer of the union.

As a Protestant; I recognise that this organisation is so out of touch that it isn’t even funny.

The Orange Order is nothing more than a stain on our society and a drain on financial resources. When these people march in the streets; crime and general lawlessness increases every single time.

One would hope that the members of the Orange Order would step back and take a cold hard look at reality; the future of Scotland is the SNP who are working hard to raise our society up so that everyone gets the opportunity to achieve their potential.

Or they can have Mr. Wilson’s vision, a divided society were people are discriminated against and held back.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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