Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tory MP, Alan Duncan falls on his rubber sword for Cameron PR stunt!

Dear All

Don’t the Tories just love PR stunts?

Yesterday, Alan Duncan, the Conservative MP was thrown on his rubber sword by being temporary demoted from the Shadow Cabinet by ‘Tesco’ Dave Cameron.

The reason because Cameron and his PR gurus had arranged a speech about cuts and hard choices!

Today; Cameron announced that a whole 5% would be loped off Tory Ministers salaries.

Alan Duncan has been used for a piece of theatre, to hood wink the masses.

Demoted from a non paying job and moved stage left.

Duncan’s ‘crime’ was be caught out by secret filming complaining that MPs were expected to live on "rations".

The demotion is from shadow leader of the Commons to shadow prisons minister.

This was a Political stunt.

Duncan said;

"This is a sensible decision. You have to be realistic about how difficult the expenses issue has been”.

Is this an admission that he isn’t realistic?

I anticipate he will be returning to a Cabinet post after a Tory victory?

Expect also a ‘lesson learned’ statement to follow his future promotion and a bit of sack cloth and ashes style apology.

Cameron’s line will be about giving people a second chance.

For someone being demoted, the act would have played better if they had scripted it about him being upset.

But it was a very jolly affair, hence it doesn’t ring true.

So, Cameron gets a quick headline, Duncan stands about looking lost as Shadow Prisons Minister for a while and the show goes on.

Cameron said;

"I'm grateful for Alan's work as shadow leader of the House and I'm sure he will continue to make a valuable contribution as shadow justice minister."

‘Call me Dave’ should rename himself ‘Call me bland’.

What was missed from this fringe performance was a monkey in the wings shouting; “quiet on set, lights, cameras, action”!
Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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