Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Elish Angiolini is one joke we can do without.

Dear All

Generally the SNP Scottish Government is fairly on the ball and quick off the mark.

After the SNP became the Government of Scotland; they demoted Scotland’s senior Law Officer from the Cabinet.

The SNP then kept Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini QC on for the purposes of continuity, when they should have tossed her out into the street.

If I was in charge; she would have been out of office the day after the SNP administration signed in as the Government.

I see her as not Lord Advocate Elish Angiolini QC but rather as ‘Labour’ Angiolini; her face when the SNP Ministers signed into office was a picture of deep unhappiness and it was filmed.

Perhaps the SNP should run that signing in ceremony again and have a look.

Now, Angiolini is calling for appeal judges to increase the upper limit of the minimum jail term which must be served by murderers.

One can look at the timing of her intervention just after the Megrahi case and think is this is a dig at the Scottish Government or just poor judgement on her part?

The SNP should be having a rethink about whether or not to continue with the services of Ms. Angiolini; my vote would be for termination of employment.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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