Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labour Party deny vulnerable people human rights via Holyrood Committee

Dear All

Remember that rubbish put about by the Labour Party that they were there to help the most vulnerable in society?

The myth has been exposed, by them again, incompetent or what?

Can Iain Gray; Mr. Invisible of the Labour Party not even keep control of a few not so very bright MSPs?

Apparently not!

The SNP has condemned a vote by Labour and the Lib Dems to deprive vulnerable adults within the Children’s Hearing system of legal support to enable them to participate fully in proceedings.

This is “caring Labour” at its best, putting the boot into the most defenceless in society; they love it.

They really do!

Because of a vote in the Education Committee by Labour and their sidekicks, the Lib Dems; they have annulled the statutory instrument leaving the Scottish Government and the Children’s Hearing system in potential breach of European Human Rights Law.

Petty Party Politics is Labour’s only tactic in the Holyrood Parliament.

They are not there to make things better for the people of Scotland; they see themselves as purely our rulers.

Labour loves to remember everyone that they brought in the Human Rights Act 1998 but the reality is that they were forced to do so by the European Union.

All that the Labour MSPs had to do was just vote yes, it didn’t require a lot of thinking and would have helped many but they have torpedoed that.

So now the Scottish Government which was seeking to ensure the system is compliant with European Human Rights Legislation maybe facing a potential breach of Human Rights legislation.

These are the members of the current education Committee

Karen Whitefield Kenneth Gibson Claire Baker Aileen Campbell
Ken Macintosh Christina McKelvie Elizabeth Smith Margaret Smith

I would urge people to contact them and protest about this ridiculous decision and ask them to reverse it.

Alternatively you could contact Iain Gray and Tavish Scott and ask them to bring their MSPs into line.

SNP MSP Christina McKelvie hit the nail on the head by saying;

“I am deeply disappointed with the actions of my fellow committee members. This should be about children not politics”.

And the joke is that some of these people stand at election time claiming to want to represent the people.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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