Monday, September 7, 2009

Nadine Dorries to sue McBride, Draper and Number 10.

Dear All

They say that there is no such thing as bad publicity in politics.

The worst thing is if they stop talking about you.

Recently the Labour Party clowns upset that they were not winning the “Spin Wars” decided to set up a website called Red Rag.

And it was to be a rag.

It was to dish the dirt and throw shit, hopefully to see if some would stick.

And there were plotters; deep inside the Number 10 Downing inner circle of cronies, Damien McBride, a Gordon Brown attack dog and Derek Draper, a poor man’s Freud that would be Sigmund not Clement.

One of the lucky winners of this unwelcome attention was Conservative MP Nadine Dorries.

How lucky?

Well now she is suing and she may win a big chunk of change in damages.

She is now taking legal action against ex-Downing Street spin doctor Damien McBride over e-mail smears and will also sue Derek Draper.

However, it will be interesting to see what evidence comes out in the court case as Draper was sent the emails by McBride.

When the scandal broke, there was outrage by Labour, not for what had happened but because the emails had gone public.

McBride was more upset by the leaking than what had been written.

Ms. Dorries is also taking legal action against No 10, but the question is against whom?

Could Gordon Brown be getting papers?

Politics is a savage affair sometimes with people sticking the boot in but generally, people on both sides know that there are limits and not to over step the mark.

Nothing wrong about speaking the truth but usually the attacks is more comic and rib digging in nature.

After all there for the grace of God do I or so they say!

The McBride emails also featured unfounded personal attacks on Conservative leader David Cameron and shadow chancellor George Osborne.

I can’t see David Cameron or even George Osborne joining in the suing process but they maybe called as witnesses to tell how they felt about the unfounded allegations against them.

Mr Draper may have an out as he never published the claims on the Red Rag website.

I would hope that if Nadine Dorries wins her case then she would donation any money to charity.

As for Damien McBride, well he should see if there is any overtime going just in case.

However, lawyers for McBride will question her integrity, a quick trawl on the net, showed up this site. It seems that she isn't as popular as she could be!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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