Monday, September 7, 2009

Airline liquid bomb plot, three found guilty

Dear All

Three muslim extremists have been found guilty of plotting to kill thousands of people. Their idea was to blow up planes over the Atlantic with home-made liquid bombs. If they had been successful then there would have been no survivors, everyone would have been killed muslim and non muslim alike.

The Koran like the bible says that murder is wrong, so the fact that these people were prepared to kill ordinary innocent people include innocent muslims shows that they are not freedom fighters but straightforward terrorists.

A jury has convicted Abdulla Ahmed Ali, 28, Tanvir Hussain, 28, and Assad Sarwar, 29, of conspiring to activate bombs disguised as drinks.

These people should be severely punished under the law with sentences of at least 30 years in prison without consideration of parole.

Others allegedly involved in the airline plot were found not guilty,

Ali, Hussain and Sarwar were found guilty of conspiracy to murder in an earlier trial but second jury has decided that such a terror plot did exist to carry out their threat.

Baroness Neville Jones said;

"This has brought home to us how potentially vulnerable travel and communication is."

A bus and rail is even more dangerous as these services don’t have the same security as airports.

The plotters have been under observation by MI5 officers as they followed cells of extremists in the London area.

Luckily these people have been stopped before they could carry out their mass murder plots.

The convicted men told the court in mitigation that they had been planning a political stunt.

However that did not wash with the jury, there are ways to protest in this country which could have served the cause of muslim people much better.

Their actions damaged relations and allow groups like the BNP to flourish and stir up dissent.

The fact of the matter is that these people didn’t care who they murdered, be it men, women or children.

In less than enlighten countries; these people would have been subject to torture and death.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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