Sunday, September 6, 2009

Kate and Gerry McCann - 'why would that be our fault?'

Have a look at this video, it is very interesting. These dogs have an impressive track record, some might say incredible. Out of 200 cases they have never failed.


  1. My first comment on 'Why would that be our fault?' would probably be .....

    Because one of you should have stayed in with the children every night so that they did not come to any harm.

    That if an electrical fault had developed and the place was full of smoke, your children could possibly have choked to death. Or burned to death if a fire had taken hold.

    That one of your children could have tipped a cot over and broken their neck.

    That if a child predator had been wandering through Praia da Luz one night, and found your doors unlocked, they could have taken one or all of your children or sexually assaulted them or killed them there and then.

    That one of your children could have found relatively innocuous every-day tablets and swallowed the lot. Causing vomiting, coma or death.

    That one of your children could have wandered out of the apartment and fallen down the stairs and broken their neck or leg and you would not have been there to prevent it.

    I could go on and on about the fact that sometimes children vomit because something they have eaten may not have agreed with them and that they could have choked on that vomit - but that you would not have been there to hear it.

    I think this is enough to be going on with. After all, these are relatively educated people with enough sense to have left the patio doors ajar in case of fire!!!

  2. What a load of twaddle. I don't know if the writer has had children or just likes to pontificate on what to do if you have some. No parent in their right mind sits stairing at their kids all night. They put them to bed upstairs and try and get some time to themselves after spending the daytimes looking after the children. The McCanns were about 50 yards away from their appartment and arranged to check on the kids frequently. This is hardly any different to parents in a larger house being downstairs when the children are asleep upstairs. With the benefit of hindsight they would have been better off locking the appartment door but I don't suppose they need me or you to tell them that.

    Give them a break - and if you really think they were responsible for harming Madeleine then you are brainless as well as heartless.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Dear Malcolm

    Well spotted that the McCann's abandoned their defenceless kids.

    You are right to highlight they walked off and left them alone, a child of three years old and twins aged two.

    Do you think if Gerald Patrick and Kate McCann had been more sensible then Madeleine wouldn't have disappeared?

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
