Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Bad News Blairs anger the neighbours in Connaught Square

Dear All

The Bad News Blairs are back in the news again; recently we had ‘Preacher’ Blair give a speech that people should accept less in life, while at the same time he attempts to grab every penny he can lay his hands on.

Now, Tony Blair has broken the planning rules by using part of their house.

As he and his wife are lawyers, his wife is also a Judge; you might think they would respect the laws of England.

Not the Blairs even with two armed policemen standing outside 29 Connaught Square, London, they still thumb the law.

The Blairs have been forced to stop using part of their house as an office after their neighbours complained to the local council.

After denials by a spokesman; the Blairs finally admitted what they were doing.

How very honest of them, caught then confessing, surely someone who is working on being St Tony Blair of Connaught Square would be above such a thing.

Perhaps he is less of a saint and more of a dodgy back street spiv.

Being involved in rewriting the principles of the Catholic Church, Tony Blair tried to install a swimming pool without permission as well; I suspect it was to see if he could part the waters and walk on water; the Red sea was too far away to practice!

So what is the good news of the Bad News Blairs, well their House bought for £3.65 million has recently dropped by £500,000 in value.

To be expected when two chavs move into upmarket Connaught Square, surprising they haven’t used the park area in the middle of the square for banger races!

The Blairs are expanding their empire and have bought the mews house being theirs for £1,275,000; I suspect they want to drag down house prices in that street.

When the Blairs moved into Connaught Square; they held a party in the park area in a get to know the neighbours style event, covered by the press but it soon turned sour.

An irate neighbour put it this way regarding the Blairs activities;

“We all think it is a bit of a bloody cheek to be using a house as an office when there is no planning permission, given that when he was in office you couldn't move for Labour telling us we couldn't do this and we couldn't do that.”

Sounds like the Blair’s won’t be on the Christmas card list of the residents anytime soon!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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