Friday, September 25, 2009

Tommy Sheridan sacks Donald Findlay and replaces him with Lockerbie Bomber appeal lawyer, Maggie Scott

Dear All

The Tommy Sheridan story rolls on from one piece of high drama to another.

Sheridan has sacked top QC Donald Findlay; this might not be a bad idea as having watched and read some of Donald’s cases, in a large number the client ends up in the clink.

If found guilty; then I would expect that Tommy Sheridan would be put in prison possibly for between 18 months to three years.

Former Rangers vice-chairman Findlay was given the chop over the phone while on holiday in the Far East but in reality; I don’t think he will be too bothered because he is always busy.

This is not the first time that Sheridan has ‘sacked’ his lawyers as he did so in the previous case against him. In that trial he went on to represent himself.

And won!

He has replaced Findlay with Maggie Scott, who until recently was handling the appeal for Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset al-Megrahi.

So the Sheridan legal ‘dream team’ is Maggie Scott for him and Paul McBride for Sheridan’s wife Gail.

Recently Paul McBride was critical of the release of Al Megrahi, so that should make for some interesting conversations with Maggie Smith between breaks in the court proceedings.

The perjury trial is expected to start in January and as it is a News Intentional sponsored event it should attract a rather large press following.

As well as working on his trial; Tommy Sheridan is a candidate in the Glasgow North East by-election so he will be a busy man.

I think he can safety expect to be followed about by the News of the World just in case he puts his foot in his mouth or in a crack.

After all his trial will be one of the greatest mudsling events in years on the Scottish Court Circuit.

If you want to get a seat to view then get up early as it will be the hot ticket in Edinburgh in January.

David attempting to slew Goliath again and walk off with £200,000 plus interest, got me interested!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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