Sunday, September 27, 2009

Baroness Scotland accused of being a liar?

Dear All

Get set for a ‘Rumble in the Jungle’!

It’s the big fight 2.

In the red corner, Baroness Scotland, Attorney General, in the blue corner Loloahi Tapui, illegal immigrant.

After being arrest by the Police, Loloahi Tapui struck back by claiming that Baroness Scotland is a liar.

The former housekeeper has claimed the peer never asked to see her passport before giving her a job in contradiction to a statement that the Baroness had done so.

So who is the liar?

Someone can’t be telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In an interview exclusively to the Mail on Sunday, Loloahi Tapui, claimed she was given employment after a short 10-minute interview between the two.

Last week Baroness Scotland was playing the role of the duped victim, simple but dim approach, a tactic often used by New Labour.

After being fined last week £5,000, she was effectively declared by Gordon Brown to be ‘without sin’ and allowed to keep her job instead of being bulleted out the door as she should have been.

Gordon Brown had declared long and loud that she had acted in "good faith".

Unfortunately Baroness Scotland had no evidence to back up that claim.

The Tories, always looking for a straw to break the Government’s back said the row has rendered her position "completely untenable".

Shadow Home Secretary Chris Grayling said;

"The Home Office rushed through an investigation without listening to all the evidence, and the prime minister exonerated Lady Scotland before the housekeeper had even been questioned.

Good points by the Tory but the reality was that Baroness Scotland was to be cleared at all costs, she wasn’t going to see the inside of a court room.

Grayling added;

"This is increasingly looking like an attempted whitewash that has gone badly wrong."

Now the row is back on the front page of the tabloids and looks really bad with Loloahi saying she is prepared to take a lie detector test to prove she is speaking the truth.

I wonder if the noble Baroness will submit to the same test of veracity!

In a statement, the Attorney General said;

"I was shown all relevant documents a P45, National Insurance details, a marriage certificate, a letter from the Home Office, references and a passport by Ms Tapui during her job interviews."

It all adds more weight to the premise that this Government is so corrupt that they will do and say anything to avoid acting responsibility.

I wonder if Baroness Scotland will sue Tapui and the newspaper in court for libel?

If not, doesn’t that look extremely odd?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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