Sunday, September 27, 2009

Jim Murphy tries to prop up loser, Iain Gray at Labour Party Conference

Dear All

When things go badly for a political party, there is usually a call to rally the troops.

In any political party, the activists play a significant party of providing a link between the community and the Party.

This all feeds into how local policies are shaped by various candidates to make them electable in their area come election time.

The Labour Party is doing really badly because they have abandoned the people and they have no intention of providing help, they are nothing more than a party of big business, bought and sold.

The Party now is having a conference were various people will stand up and say they are firmly for the people and they need to get on with the job, standard rhetoric.

Scottish Secretary Jim Murphy, not the most inspirational leader in Labour has said Labour needs to stop feeling sorry for itself.

It is a bit hard when activists have to spin lies to the people about non existent help, the words must dry up in their mouths.

Murphy has thrown his support behind Gordon Brown.

This shows he is a team player and a rather poor judge of character.

Brown is yesterday’s man and on the way out but Murphy has reason to be loyal, it’s called a Ministerial salary and it looks very nice too!

Labour supporters are gathering for the party's annual conference in Brighton which will be more like a wake behind the scenes.

Murphy is quoted as saying the event will be a "curtain raiser" for the next UK election.

Actually, it is the other way round, the curtain is falling, it’s the last act!

Mr Murphy to lend support to Scottish Labour leader Iain Gray's will share a platform with him at the Brighton conference.

Safety in numbers!

Murphy even goes so far to say;

"Iain is a brilliant leader of the MSPs in the Scottish Parliament".

Another misjudgement on his part, Iain Gray is a lame duck; he is Mr. Invisible of fantastic bore.

He isn’t even a good opportunist, weak, ineffective and like a man totally out of his depth. He likes the title but can’t produce the goods; no one knows what he stands for!

Another concern for Jim Murphy was the result of the European election which say Labour pushed into third place behind the Tories and the SNP.

Mr Murphy said he was looking forward to the challenge of defending his seat in East Renfrewshire.

Who looks forward to the chance that they could be made unemployed?

The Scottish secretary likes to paint himself as the Rocky figure;

"I've always been the underdog in my constituency, I quite enjoy being the underdog - I've confounded the critics and the pundits three times and I look forward to having the chance to do it again."

When you win three times in a row, you are hardly the ‘underdog’ more like the racing certainty.

To give Murphy his due, I understand that he has been a quite effective local MP for the people in his area.

If he gets the bullet then it will be down to the fact that political tide has turned against his party but that is the nature of politics.

I wouldn’t say I would be sad if he was defeated at the ballot box but I am sure that he would be missed by those who watch the Scottish political scene.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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