Friday, September 25, 2009

John Smeaton throws his hat into the ring at Glasgow North East

Dear All

The Glasgow North East by-election has taken an unexpected turn as another candidate steps forward to throw his hat into the ring.

John Smeaton of the Glasgow Airport Terrorist fame has decided to stand under the Jury Team banner in a futile attempt to win the seat.

Sorry, John, you are just not up to it.

John Smeaton has little chance of winning because he is so politically unaware, it is embarrassing.

This contest is serious.

John Smeaton said;

"vote for change or stop complaining".

Smeaton isn’t the man to bring about that “change” which is sorely needed, it is only by electing David Kerr, the SNP Candidate that the people of Glasgow North East will see a real difference in the community.

David Kerr is the only candidate to guarantee that he will open an office open to the public in the community, not just to address their problems but to be pro active in directing people to opportunities they have for so long missed out on.

David Kerr represents the future.

At his first election press conference, John Smeaton pledged to "badger" MPs.

I wonder if he realises that his job in part is to “badger” Ministers, Ministers of the Crown? If he can't understand the difference, what does that say about how effective he will be?

He was correct however in stating;

"The Labour Party have had 30 years to bring investment and jobs into Glasgow North East," he said. I haven't noticed much difference and I know from strolling round the constituency that folk living there haven't noticed many changes either”.

However I think we all know that point so it doesn’t exactly move the debate forward.

As I have said, I think that John Smeaton is politically unaware as he thinks he can “knock down doors and badger them until they listen. No messing."

That doesn’t work; you have to build a properly formatted case if you expect to be taken seriously and benefit the people of Glasgow north East.

If he can’t understand that principle then what hope can he bring to the people he wants to represent?

I don’t think that John Smeaton will win on the basis that he would be in effect the ‘Jade Goody’ of Scottish Politics and the people need somewhat more help than that.

This contest in Glasgow North East is much more than just personality politics, it is about taking on so much more.

I think that John Smeaton will get a good reception based on being a very well known personality but the people know that the future is David Kerr, the SNP Candidate.

The future is the Scottish National Party.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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