Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Labour MP, Barry Gardiner starts cuts agenda by sacking Machine Gun Joe!

Dear All

You get elected to public office, you go to the House of Commons each day with your packed lunch tucked under your arm and then you find out your office communications and campaigns manager has been acting like a complete arse.

Why couldn’t he have spent the time playing flight games and first person shooter?

Mr Joseph Brown has been sacked by Barry Gardiner, MP for Brent North.

If you are going to protest about people then at least have the good grace to be right and factual.

Here is the public termination notice.

"Press release from the office of Barry Gardiner MP for Brent North

Date: 15th September 2009

Brent North MP, Barry Gardiner, today announced that he had sacked his office communications and campaigns manager.

Mr Joseph Brown, had been the subject of allegations of anti-semitism and remarks and actions that were offensive to the Jewish Community whilst he held the post of Anti-Racism officer at the London School of Economics in January of this year.

In a tersely worded statement, Mr Gardiner said: “Mr Brown clearly became a controversial figure at the LSE. This was something I consider he should have made me aware of. He did not. That was either naivety or a serious breach of trust. I do not expect that those who work for me should share all my political views. I do expect them to ensure that their own views do not get in the way of the job they have to do. Mr. Brown’s capacity to fulfil his duties as my campaigns and communications manager has been seriously impaired and I have dismissed him.”

Mr. Gardiner has always been a strong supporter of the State of Israel and of a two State Solution. He has actively engaged in discussions on the peace process meeting with Israeli President Shimon Peres on a number of occasions and with Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat as well as with the former Palestinian leader, the late Yasser Arafat. He is a former vice chair of Labour Friends of Israel and continues to be an active member in parliament. He is known as one of parliament’s strongest opponents of terrorism and today he pledged to “continue to work for a just and peacefully negotiated two state solution in the Middle East”.

And with that Labour MP Barry Gardiner will go into hiding for a few days to let the dust settle and advertise for a new office communications and campaigns manager.

There is now a vacancy, so get your CV’s in if interested but leave your imaginary machine guns at home.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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