Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The McCann's Private Eye is no Banacek

Dear All

The Belfast Telegraph has published the mumblings of the former Ulster detective, Dave Edgar leading the hunt for Madeleine McCann.

His theory is that Madeleine McCann is imprisoned in a “hellish” lair just like kidnapped sex slave Jaycee Lee Dugard.

What evidence does he have to support this?

Nothing, not a shred of evidence!

Another theory is that she is being held just 10 miles from where she was snatched in Praia da Luz two years ago.

10 miles?

How did he arrive at that conclusion?

A guess and that is also not evidence either.

David Edgar runs Alpha Investigations Group private eye agency so has a financial interest in claiming that Madeleine McCann is alive.

Another claim is that she is held in an underground cellar.

Evidence to support this notion, none!

He bases these theories on the case of Jaycee Dugard who was snatched by Phillip Garrido.

Edgar says;

“This just supports my theory that Maddie is alive and imprisoned.”

Did Garrido kidnap Madeleine McCann?

He also places great faith on the evidence of Jane Tanner, one of the so-called ‘Tapas Seven’ who dined with the McCann’s the night Maddie went missing.

He added;

“Jane is a very reliable witness and there were other sightings of this man, who Jane saw carrying a little girl in a blanket, in the days leading up to the disappearance.”

In my book, Tanner could be a suspect and less we forget she never identify Madeleine by sight in her account of a stranger carrying a child.

Having read his story in the press, this sticks out about his plans for the future;

“I don’t know. We could still be sitting here in 10 years”.

Well the McCann money will certainly take care of his bills for the next ten years then.

The Portuguese Police need to reopen the case of Madeleine McCann.
Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

1 comment:

  1. "Nothing, not a shred of evidence"

    you took the words right of Edgar's mouth.
