Tuesday, September 15, 2009

'No fear of sack' for bureaucrats but there should be

Dear All

MPs are finding out a universal truth, incompetent, poorly performing senior civil servants are far less likely to be sacked than their equivalents elsewhere.


The old boy network which covers them like a blanket from ‘cradle to grave’!

The corrupt Principal of the University of Glasgow, Sir Muir Russell was a former senior civil servant; he was deeply involved in the Holyrood Parliament scandal.

The Holyrood building which was under his control as head of the civil service in Scotland started out costing £40 million and then winds up costing £440 million.

If that had happened in the private sector then in my opinion he would have been sacked.

An example of how corrupt, Sir Muir Russell is can be found here. Russell was involved in covering up multiple criminal frauds in a publicly funded charity.

This individual is unfit to hold public office and certainly should be banned for life from ever being involved in a charity.

What should be noted is that when he baled out to the University of Glasgow job; he was vetted for it by the head of his private club, Lord Sutherland of Houndwood, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The gravy train for senior civil servants keeps on rolling by networking.

With effectively no chance of being sacked at senior civil service level there is little improvements forthcoming as the Committee is finding out as they dig.

This is highlighted by subsequent reviews of certain departments that found staff confidence in senior management was "still too poor".

In other words; the senior staffs grab the money and perks while keeping menial staff and work at arm’s length with an increasing workload.

Until MPs introduce the prospect of sacking the Muir Russell’s of this world then nothing will change.

Until MPs ban memberships of cartels like the Royal Society of Edinburgh for senior civil servants nothing will change.

Until MPs introduce stiff penalties for failure nothing will change.

All future senior civil servants should be contracted on three year contracts this will get rid of the deadwood and introduce competition.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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