Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Israeli Defence Forces murder another Palestinian child in Ramullah

Dear All

The history of the Israeli Defence Forces is characterised by the murder of Palestinian children who get in their iron and telescopic sights.

In the case of Muhammad Riad Nayef; he was shot three times in the chest.

When an ambulance crew tried to help him; they were stopped by 30 Israeli soldiers to ensure that the boy suffered as much as possible. The ambulance crew were denied access for an hour.

Under the Geneva Convention, it is strictly forbidden to shot innocent civilians and they should be protected by military personnel.

But that isn’t the Israelis style, there is an entire catalogue of child murder were no soldier has ever stood trial.

An investigation by Palestinian Police found witnesses who gave evidence which is completely different from the Israeli account.
So someone is lying and there is of course the dead child; the Israelis are always quick to get their story and denials out fast even before an investigation.

So what do the Israelis want in the long term?

They want an uneducated Palestinian workforce trapped being ghetto walls who are a pool of surplus labour for them to call on.

The Israelis don’t want peace; they want to expand their settlements in a series of fortified islands in Palestinian lands.

Lands they have no right to be in.

The Israelis’ call this expansion "natural growth" or as the Germans put it 'lebenstrum', the end is the same, drive out the indigenous population and take their land.

Despite taking three rounds to the chest, the wounded teenager was transferred to an Israeli hospital in Jerusalem but his injuries were too severe he later died.

So when will America act to stop the child murders?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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