Wednesday, September 2, 2009

BNP court case could cause widespread damage in Britain

Dear All

The BNP is a left centre political party but they have a problem; they are also a race party.

They are also not stupid as some would have us believe; Nick Griffin went to Cambridge University.

The Equalities and Human Rights Commission has launched proceedings against Nick Griffin and two party officials because they say the BNP membership rules are contradictory to the Race Relations Act.

The BNP have responded to these charges by saying this is an attempt by the EHRC to divert attention away from their internal problems so widely highlighted in the media.

The EHRC claims the party's policy of limiting its membership to "indigenous Caucasian" people is illegal but there is a problem, if the BNP has broken the law then what of the other minority groups who also discriminate by race?

It is said that the BNP kept this defunct membership rule because they want a case exactly like this; they want their day in Court.

So, was this a trap set by the BNP?

If so it is very clever and not the act of stupid people. If they are allowed to take the stand on this issue then they will question why the UK Government actively supports state sponsored racism?

Why the UK Government allows;

The Black Police association, Federation of Black housing organizations, The Black Londoners forum, Society of Black lawyers, London, Society of Asian lawyers, London,,,, Ethnic media Group, Sussex Black police Association to name by a few?

If the BNP can use the national setting of a Court for this case then they will attract more people to their cause by showing a sense of grievance. Their point will be that state sanctioned racism is deemed acceptable by Government. They will be putting the EHRC and the Labour Government on trial by further challenging how many “racist” minority organisations they have shut down and how many they have funded via the taxpayer.

It seems that by default the EHRC may have opened up a can of worms that will force them to act on minority organisations some of whom do good work in the community. If they don’t, then the BNP will use this as proof that there is ‘one rule for us and another rule for them’.

This will increase BNP support at the polls. In Glasgow on 4th June 2009, 3,000 people in the city voted BNP. That is 3,000 people completely failed by the main parties.

The BNP are a major threat to social integration but this isn’t the way to deal with them, the argument can’t be with them but directly with the voters.

Finally, this case could be Trevor Phillips swansong as the man who outlawed the race industry in Britain.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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