Saturday, August 29, 2009

Michael Martin gets the title, 'Baron Martin of Springburn, of Port Dundas in the City of Glasgow' but the Red Baron is better!

Dear All

The worst Speaker of the House of Commons, certainly within living memory has been given a peerage.

Former Labour MP Michael Martin, was given the honour quietly in the middle of the Parliamentary recess because he resigned in disgrace.

His title has been confirmed as Baron Martin of Springburn, of Port Dundas in the City of Glasgow.

I wonder if that title was picked by the Labour Party because of the Glasgow North East by-election, don’t want to forget those Port Dundas voters, do we?

Anyway given that Martin has left in disgrace then I sure that my title of ‘the Red Baron’ would seem more apt.

He left red faced after being the first Speaker forced to resign in 300 years.

Althought it is established practice that a former speaker is elevated to the Lords in his case, he should have been bypassed.

He also singlehandedly with no training destroyed much of the dignity and integrity of Parliament by blocking reform of MPs expenses.

Martin has been likened to that of a Shop Steward rather a Speaker for his attitude to protect the status quo at all costs.

His biggest shame was repeatedly attempting to block the publication of MPs' full allowances.

His appointment to the red benches has met with distain in some quarters and even anger; Lord Oakeshott, a Liberal Democrat said;

“Mr Martin's period as Speaker diminished both the authority of the position and the credibility of the House of Commons. It is wrong that he should pick up a peerage automatically in the Lords after he failed as Speaker.”

Strong stuff from the usually quiet Lib Dems!

He also added;

“He's chosen Springburn as his title but the people of Springburn deserve to have a representative in Parliament. This is a disgraceful delay and the people deserve a chance to elect a new MP now.”

And what should be remembered is that Michael Martin cared so much for the people of Springburn that he never opened an office to the public so they could get effective representation.

The Michael Martin story doesn’t end there in a letter to Gordon Brown, the House of Lords Appointments Commission said Mr Martin's personal expenses claims were open to question and vocied concerned about the peerage.

Their concerns were ignored as Gordon Brown used his powers of patronage to ensure that Martin got a seat in the Lords.

So from one trough to another, Michael Martin trips the light fantastic as he qualifies for a £38,000 pension going up to £80,000 in two years when he hits 65, £176 a day for attending the Lords and £3,000 for office costs.

Yes, Michael Martins place is secure, in the lap of luxury.

It is a great pity however he never showed one tenth of that concern for the people he was supposed to represent and failed to do so.

The by-election for his old seat takes place in November, possibly the 5th or 12th, then the people will hopefully elect David Kerr of the SNP to represent them. He will be opening an office which the public will be warmly invited to attend with their complaints and concerns.

Something Martin or the Labour Party candidate William Bain didn’t think was important enough in the past.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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