Friday, August 28, 2009

Jaycee Lee Dugard returns home to her mother

Dear All

The saying ‘Only in America’ is a familiar saying as the US has brought us some incredible sights and stories.

This is one of the truly bizarre, a US woman abducted as a girl in 1991 gave birth to two children fathered by her alleged kidnapper.

Jaycee Lee Dugard is lucky to be alive as evil paedophile, Phillip Garrido repeatedly raped her.

During the course of her captivity she has two little daughters to this man, like the girl held captive in Austria; she was kept hidden from sight in this case within a "hidden backyard within a backyard".

Kidnapper Phillip Garrido, 58, and his wife Nancy Garrido, 54, are now being held in Federal custody in California with the prospect of a high profile trial and media circus to follow.

I would expect on conviction that they will receive life terms and will both die in Federal Prison.

So how was Garrido caught?

By pure blind luck!

Police spotted Garrido on the University of California Berkeley campus with the two young children handing out religious leaflets. The Police acting on suspicions questioned him because as a registered sex offender he was not allowed to be with young children.

Further questioning by his parole officer revealed the truth regarding Ms Dugard.

During a telephone interview with KCRA-TV in prison; he has not admitted to the abduction.

He said;

"If you take this a step at a time, you're going to fall over backward and in the end you're going to find the most powerful, heart-warming story."

I would think his plea by his lawyer will be innocent by reason of insanity.

He added;

"I tell you here's the story of what took place at this house and you're going to be absolutely impressed”.

It seems like Garrido seems to think that he was living the ‘little house on the prairie’ lifestyle playing happy families.

He later added;

"It's a disgusting thing that took place with me in the beginning. But I turned my life completely around".
Well he is in for a considerable culture shock when he hits Federal Prison; I suspect that the sentence will be life without parole.

This is a shocking and horrible story of how some people act like animals without human decency.

There is something good that has came out of this, Jaycee Lee Dugard is alive and returned to her mother.

I sincerely hope that she and her daughters are given every help by her community to have a normal peaceful life.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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