Friday, August 28, 2009

Labour MP, Frank Field to tackle abuser of the poor, Gordon Brown

Dear All

Remember Gordon Brown and his rant of “help for hard working families”?

Now, the inept Prime Minister has a new way of punishing the poorest in society; he plans to cut the benefits of the poorest families by up to £15 a week.

He obviously saw this as part of his moral compass.

Brown by his incompetence allowed greedy bankers to run the economy into the ground and now in the aftermath as a going way present he wants to cripple the poor.

In others words his budget before the General Election is a scorched earth policy to cause as much damage as possible in Britain. This is an economic version of the Russian scorched earth policy used in WW2, destroy everything and retreat.

The move could lead to a backbench revolt as Labour MPs try to save their seats at Westminister. There is no upside for them unless they can get a reversal of this decision, protesting will not be enough, deeds will be demanded.

The poor have been for years the subject on an ongoing smear campaign to paint them as an underclass that has to be managed. For example as justification for punishing the “greedy” poor, the government links together benefit fraud and their benefit error.

This tactic is to create a high figure so politicians get carte blanche to deny rights, opportunities and keep the poor trapped.

Crisis, the housing charity is appalled by the government decision saying that people on £65-a-week jobseekers’ allowance losing 20 per cent of their income.

Does this kill the myth that New Labour is the party of the poor?

Frank Field who led the revolt over the abolition of the 10p rate of income tax is determined to try and stop this going through parliament and he will have a hard job. The Tories will probably support it as it will put pressure on the government to collapse quicker.

Karen Buck, Labour MP said;

“We should not under any circumstances be taking money from the poorest and making them choose between reasonable housing bills and meeting day-to-day expenses. I don’t know how many that applies to. Either way, either the savings aren’t there or poor people will suffer.”

I wonder if she regrets joining the Labour Party!

Sarah Teather of the Liberal Democrat said;

“Gordon Brown has once again abandoned the people who need the most help.”
The change was announced in the small print of the Budget”.

Seems an odd statement because Brown never helped them in the first place; he holds the poor working class in contempt.
Each day in this country those at the bottom are denied a little more, bit by bit, this will drive people towards the extremist parties such as the BNP who stand to gain support from measures such as this.

Perhaps that is what Gordon Brown wants a country so fractured that he is prepared to lose a term in office to try and regain power from the Tories further down the line.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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