Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ed Miliband writes to George Laird?

Dear All

I was checking my email and came across this item, Ed Miliband, Government Minister writing to George Laird.

The first thought was why is he writing to me followed by how did he get my email address?

Under the Data Protection Act 1998, information collected for one purpose cannot be used for another.

So, how did the Labour Party get my email address when I didn’t give it to them, I am not a member of their party!

This is has all the hallmarks of something a bit sinister along the lines of Big Brother is watching you.

Here is the email and for the record; he never emailed previously.

From Ed Miliband (
Sent 28 August 2009 17:26:45
To georgelaird@xxxxxxxxx


I emailed you earlier this week to tell you about my new website, well today marks a 100 days left until Copenhagen.

During the week people have been visiting to add their support – they realise that we need to show the strength of public feeling to get the ambitious, effective and fair deal we need.

The amount of passion I have seen in the messages of support people have left me in no doubt that we have more chance of getting a deal if we have real voices demanding action.

You may have many friends who aren’t members of the Party, and won’t receive this email so I am asking you to forward this email onto them now.

Ask them to make our pledge for a deal that’s ambitious, effective and fair.

Share with your friends

Ambitious means no more than a 2 degree temperature rise, with developed-country emissions to peak in five years and then the whole world peaking within ten.

Effective means keeping countries to their word, and letting money flow to where it will make the most difference.

Fair means supporting the poorest countries to cut their emissions and adapt to climate change. So please forward this email on now, or lets you send an email invitation, post a message to Facebook or Twitter - or simply just forward this email on to few friends right now.

Share with your friends

Thanks for your support. Ed

Ps. If you want to get instant updates on how the campaign is going just follow me on Twitter.

If anyone is interested then trot in and sign up. Well that’s George Laird's good deed for the day done!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. Interesting to read Mr Laird.

    I agree, the institution and extension of a enormous government surveillance apparatus is unnerving. How the State has permitted itself, contrary to natural law and justice, to spy on any citizen without even credible suspicions is frightful. Hopefully, the next government will repeal the most dangerous oppressions, but power is very tempting to those than possess it.

    Incidentally, I recall reading on Mr Fawkes' blog in one of your comments that you were once in the RMP, if this is right, then my sincere thanks for serving this country. That's a very honourable think to do, more success to you.

  2. Anon. Indeed. Labour are also using viral advertisers and astro turfers to carry out simile and post abuse.
