Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lib Dem hopeful, Eileen Baxendale tosses her hat into the ring at Glasgow North East

Dear All

The Scottish Liberal Democrats have selected a South Lanarkshire councillor as their candidate for the Glasgow North East by-election; she is Eileen Baxendale.

Ms. Baxendale is 64 and a former social worker who worked in Glasgow for 28 years.

She therefore will have a raft of experience in the social and economic problems encountered by people in Glasgow City Council.

However; I feel that at 64 years old, this maybe too tough at test for her.

She is fighting the seat vacated by former Commons Speaker, Michael Martin MP after he stood down in disgrace during the MPs expenses scandal.

Ms Baxendale said;

"At a time when faith in MPs is at an all time low, it's time for a fresh start."

That is true and that fresh start should be in the form of David Kerr, the SNP Candidate.

She reflected on the current situation in Glasgow North East by saying;

"If elected I will be a strong voice for the people of Glasgow North East in Westminster”.

I think everyone would expect any candidate to aspire to that sentiment but it makes good copy in the paper.

Michael Martin wasn’t the great champion of the people as painted by the Labour Party.

Of the UK Government; she like everyone else who is not delusional said;

"Gordon Brown's Labour Government is gasping its last breath. Labour are out of touch and letting local people down”.

But then she spoils it by saying;

"The SNP is no alternative”.

Actually; they are the only proper alternative, in Glasgow East won by SNP MP, John Mason, the Party forced an historic victory. In contrast the Lib Dem Candidate, John Robertson managed to attract only 915 votes.

To give Mr. Robertson his due; he was a good candidate and did a very good presentation of his case and spoke very well.

But speaking well isn’t enough; you cannot put passion and heart into someone and that is what places like Glasgow North East need, a committed passionate MP who believes in public service and the people they serve.

Ms. Baxendale makes a bizarre statement of the SNP when she says;
“They will be full of empty promises their track record at Holyrood speaks volumes”.

Freezing Council Tax, saving A & E departments, introducing RET scheme, more Police, abolishing hospital car park charges are some of the things of the SNP’s track record which do speak volumes.

I wish her well in her quest but I don’t see her as a credible candidate in this area.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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