Saturday, August 8, 2009

The forgotten war in Afghanistan is lost.

Dear All

To show how bad things are in Afghanistan; a senior General has said that Britain's mission to stabilise Afghanistan could last for the next 40 years.

This war to completely subjugate the Afghan people and install a Pro Western Government is unwinnable and unethical.

General Sir David Richards, the next Chief of the General Staff warned that Britain would be ' committed' to rebuilding the country.

If we cannot manage our own country then pray tell how can we do it in Afghanistan?

Richards also believes that British soldiers were winning the war against the Taliban.

We may be killing them in firefights but we can’t kill their ideology and that is the root of the problem.

At present the death toll of British service personnel mounts in a war that has no clear goals or sight of the finish line.

What would be needed is for a Marshall plan to urbanise the Afghans and break the tribal culture and that is a serious undertaking.

The Tories in the shape of Liam Fox, the Tory defence spokesman said;

“remaining 30 to 40 years in Afghanistan was unaffordable”.

Not only that the resentment of the permanent occupation will continue to grow and be passed down the generations.

Fox added;

“Any idea of maintaining military involvement for that length of time is not a runner”.

In other words, even before the Tories get into government they don’t back the mission.

“It would require a total rethink of our foreign and security policy.”

I didn’t know that the Tories had a foreign and security policy; they usually follow the American lead.

The disastrous campaign in Afghanistan has already cost British taxpayers more than £5billion and although a puppet government has been installed outside the urban cities, it is a lawless wilderness.

It is time to admit defeat and get the British Troops out and safely back home.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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