Friday, August 7, 2009

Greek Heroine burns Brit's gentials and is led away by Police to cheers of "Bravo, Bravo".

Dear All

In a sign of the changing times a Greek woman has been hailed a national heroine after setting fire to the genitals of a British tourist.

The woman, Marina Fanouraki, 26 claims 20-year-old Stuart Feltham, of Swindon, Wiltshire tried to sexually assault her while drunk.

She then handed herself in to police to be put on trial for what she said was her 'right to self-defence' after the incident in a crowded bar in the holiday resort of Malia on the island of Crete.

Seems like self defence to me so I expect her to be set free but I think she shouldn’t make a habit of it.
It would be bad for tourism, setting fire to people’s gentials.

So, today she will face a magistrate who will decide whether the case will go to trial on charges of bodily harm and endangering private property.

It seems that Mr. Feltham was the architect of his own misfortune by waving his genitals at a number of girls in the Electra Bar and then fondling Fanouraki against her wishes.

Miss Fanouraki told police that she asked him to stop harrassing her before pouring sambuca, a flammable liquer on him. But this failed to stop his behaviour, she then set fire to the alcohol with a lighter.

In a scene straight out of a movie as she was led away by Police; a crowd of onlookers applauded and shouted: 'Bravo, bravo.'

Since burning people’s nuts is an unusual story, it has made national headlines in Greece and she is now touted as the 'Cretan heroine'.

It seems that the British Yob tradition of pulling out their gentials abroad should be consigned to the dustbin of history, the Club 18-30 types need to grow, after all we don’t see people from abroad acting this way in Britain.

Since this is billed as a Cretan woman acting in defence of her honour'; I expect this sorry episode to be dismissed at court.

As a Brit abroad, Mr. Feltham has been helped by the Foreign Office, a spokeswoman said;

“We can confirm that in the early hours of Tuesday a 23-year-old British male national was assaulted in Crete. We understand he suffered burns on his chest and abdomen. He has been receiving consular assistance.”

I wonder if they provided ice for his nuts?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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