Friday, August 7, 2009

Steven 'bin laden' Purcell wants to use Glaswegians as de facto bin men to break strike

Dear All

Glasgow City Council leader; Steven ‘bin laden’ Purcell has given his personal assurance that rubbish will not pile up on city streets in the event of a strike by cleansing staff.

In other words; he wants us the public to act as de facto bin men and put rubbish in skips for him down the bottom of the street.

What kind of "personal assurance" is that?

None; I don't pay Council Tax to do his job, I pay Council Tax so he can do his job!

The people of Glasgow will be his unofficial bin men to try and break a strike.

Unions and council chiefs are having last ditch talks today to prevent the threatened prolonged strike which I suspect will prove fruitless.

As an example of how out of touch Purcell is; he has stated that staff would fail to win the support of a public coming to terms with the biggest economic downturn in living memory.

Actually Purcell; you are wrong, anything which highlights how ignorant and stupid the Labour controlled Glasgow City Council are should be welcomed as it reinforces why Glasgow needs to kick the Labour Party out of power.

Purcell in order to try and paint the workers in a way issued this statement;

"The general public will find it very hard to understand how people are prepared to go on strike over overtime at a time when others are losing their jobs and councils across the UK are considering outsourcing and privatising services because of the immense pressure they're under."

What Purcell avoids mentioning because it would paint him and the rest of his Labour rabble as squalid little men and women is that ordinary people would be forced to give up their weekends with their kids and those who already cannot do the ‘four on four off’ day rota have been moved to lower paying jobs.

So much for the Labour Party being interested in people’s rights!

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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