Monday, August 17, 2009

Justice for Madeliene McCann may mean prison for her parents

Dear All

The Madeleine Foundation leaflet has produced a considerable storm in the home village of Gerry and Kate McCann in Rothley, England.

On this site, my previous article has attracted a number of comments. For the purposes of information only; I have decided to direct people to a copy of the letter via a link so that people can judge it on its merits.

In such an emotional case as this feelings will run very high because people generally are very protective of children.

Years ago in a previous part of my life; I did a part time job of doing security at Queen Margaret Union. One night I was up at the union visiting staff when two female students, one from the Chemistry Department and the other from the Dental Faculty walked in a man. I told an on duty staff member that if I was on duty I would search him, something about him didn’t appear right. Later on in the course of the evening, he was involved in a fight and used a razor on a young student's face. The man escaped but was later caught by Police when involved in another assault. He got four years in prison, despite attempting to change his appearance; he forgot about the mole on his face; I didn’t in my statement to the Police.

On the Great Debate website of the BBC; I posted on the Harry Stanley case, my thoughts of how the shooting occurred. After I posted, it was suppressed by the BBC. In my analysis I stated that PC Kevin Fagan shot first then Inspector Neil Sharman, this was before the official report was released.

In the Shannon Matthews case; I watched the interview with the mother on television and my first thought was this is bogus, her demeanour seemed completely wrong. My initial thought was this was someone who was not very intelligent and lying. It turned out in that case, it was a fake.

Anyway gut feelings are not accepted as evidence.

I remember Gerry McCann from my time at Glasgow University, not however in a social sense; he used the same Sports Building as me, the Stevenson Building. He was a runner and member of the University Hares and Hounds Club. Sometimes you walk past someone and for whatever reason they stick out not by anything they have done but they get noticed, I always thought he was cold.

The letter deserves an airing as it raises concerns.

Finally, I am not in anyway stating that Doctors; Gerry and Kate McCann are guilty of killing their child.

I do however believe that both of them should be subject to an EU arrest warrant and returned to Portugal to answer questions in a Court of Law.

The questions they have steadfast refused to answer previously.
UPDATE, the website listed above has been taken down.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University


  1. George

    The link supplied doesnt seem to work.

    I also think that the McCann,s should return to Portugal to complete the original police enquiry.
    However, It may suit both the McCanns and the Police not to complete this investigation.
    As if they were to be formaly charged it would result in a massive court case and press intrest.
    It appears if the police are not fully convinced by the mccanns story.

  2. George

    How many of your readers would leave their kids alone, when they went out drinking???

  3. Dear Anon

    I have tried the link myself and it seems to be okay. I think there must be a problem at your end, possibly with the cookies setting.

    The link takes you to the page and then you scroll down till you see the leaflet which is split into four sections.

    Then it is just a matter of clicking on a section.

    Yours sincerely

    George Laird
    The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University
