Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Richard Baker, Labour MSP gets humiliated over justice issue

Dear All

Yesterday, Labour Justice Spokesman, Richard Baker called for a recall of the Holyrood Parliament to discuss the fate of the man known as the Lockerbie Bomber.

As the song says;

“What a difference a day makes”!

Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson in reply has said;

“I have weighed up all the factors and have decided not to recall Parliament”.

So, not only is Richard Baker wrong and out of step; he is also out of time.

Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson goes some way to agreeing with my point that any decision on releasing is purely a matter for Scottish Ministers alone.

This matter is solely the province of Justice Minister Kenny MacAskill; he may listen to others, seek opinions and take soundings but the decision is his alone as it should be.

There will be no trial by petty politicians such as Baker.

Baker is fast gaining a reputation as man who can put his foot in his mouth in any number of situations.

How he ever acquired the Shadow Justice brief is a mystery; he seems totally inept and out of his depth.

This inept performance by him shows that he is unable to take command decisions by himself and seeks approval to cover himself.

The true mark of a Justice Minister is to uphold the principles of their public office without party politics playing a role.

Baker can’t function outside the structure of Labour Party control.

So, the correct decision has been made by the Presiding Officer, what a pity there are such poor quality politicians such as Richard Baker who cannot understand the concept of Justice.

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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