Monday, August 17, 2009

New Labour's shameful record on Scottish defence jobs dispells the help lie!

Dear All

One of the lies peddled badly by New Labour is their help for “hard working families”.

Under the UK Labour Government over 9,500 Scottish Defence jobs have been lost.

These are official Ministry of Defence (MoD) figures.

MoD figures show that 1,930 fewer service jobs and 4,570 fewer civilian jobs in Scotland with a further 3,000 jobs based on direct MoD expenditure having vanished from the economy.

So where is this alleged help?

Angus Robertson MP, the SNP Westminster leader and Defence spokesperson,

"These figures expose the lie of Labour's claimed support for defence jobs in Scotland - after twelve years in power almost ten thousand jobs have disappeared. As the consultation on the future of another 125 jobs at the missile range in the Hebrides closes this week, Ministers must be held to account over their commitment to defence jobs in Scotland. The irony is that Labour backbenchers line up to scaremonger about the future of defence jobs in an independent Scotland, but the facts show that it is the UK government that is closing bases and cutting jobs."

It appears clear that there is a phased withdrawal of Scottish Defence jobs even before Labour’s disaster of the British economy came to the fore.

In places such as the Western Isles, MoD Defence jobs play a vital part in the lifeblood of rural communities and due consideration should be shown in any decisions on the part of the UK Labour Government.

SNP MP Angus said;

"The range is a cornerstone in the economy of our community; it is the largest employer in the Southern Isles chain”.

Surely this type of decision can’t be left to just pounds, shillings and pence?

Yours sincerely

George Laird
The Campaign for Human Rights at Glasgow University

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